
  1. Virtual environments are strongly recommended, to prevent dependencies with conflicting versions. Create a conda virtual environment and activate it:
$conda create -n aracle python=3.6 -y
$conda activate aracle
  1. Install PyTorch stable and torchvision following the [official instructions](, e.g.,
$conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
  1. Now do one of the following.

Option 3(a): clone the repo (please do this if you’d like to contribute to the development).

$git clone
$cd aracle
$pip install -e .

Option 3(b): pip install the release version (only recommended if you’re a user). Not available yet!

$pip install aracle
  1. (Optional) To run the notebooks, add the Jupyter kernel.
$python -m ipykernel install --user --name aracle --display-name "Python (aracle)"